It has been a whole other trip around the Australian outback since our Managing Director, Mark Tipping, last featured on Carsales’ podcast, Watt’s Under the Bonnet. His most recent conversation with hosts Rusty and Nadine provided some valuable insights into where the company, and the EV industry is at, 12 months on.
Mark discusses how EDEA Energy evolved from half a dozen people with a passion for Teslas and good quality Australian utes, to a brand that not only provides innovative battery solutions, but also gives back to the community in a tangible way.
It became clear to Mark pretty quickly during his research into transforming a Model S Tesla into a ute that batteries were the true gold mine in this growing industry of renewable energy – and not just any batteries, but Australian made and manufactured ones.
‘Mr. Motorsport’ Rusty and Carsales’ Nadine Armstrong with Mark Tipping (Managing Director of EDEA Energy)
Ostensibly, Australian-made batteries may not seem like a much better choice for the domestic market than Chinese, American or Israeli choices. However, Mark explains that for both ease of supply chain management and cyber security, batteries made and manufactured on our home soil are the obvious choice. He claims that when it comes to batteries, there is no shortage of demand, only setbacks in supply – this was especially true during the pandemic. So whilst production and transport from overseas may be halted from pandemics, or global conflict issues, we won’t be victim to that issue when operating out of the Simpson Desert! Cyber security is another advantage to domestic batteries, as it ensures our safety. EDEA has worked with Energy Renaissance and CSIRO to develop a battery management system, with all codes, chips and circuit boards designed in Australia.
The export potential of Australia’s energy-generating resources is vast, with Mark proposing the nation as the next Middle East in energy for the 21st century. EDEA is leading this charge, having recently signed a $161 million defence supply deal with Energy Renaissance. Edea’s battery prototypes are currently being tested in Korea. A passion for innovation, Mark believes, is the driver behind EDEA’s success, and is a quality shared by a number of Australians – he sees great potential in the Australian people to foster innovation, and feels that leveraging and protecting these developments can bring Australia’s energy economy to the next level.
The success of EDEA’s battery business has allowed Mark and his business partners to pursue their true passion of helping the community. Focussed on practical and reliable energy solutions for ALL Australians, the EDEA Foundation helps distribute grid stabilisation solutions, which act as a power source and generator for rural communities with unstable, or no connection at all to the main power grid. Although it is an environmentally-based charity, Mark believes that ensuring these outback communities have reliable access to electricity has the flow on effect of improved health and opportunities for the people living in these areas.
With his next outback drive challenge hopefully setting off in November this year along the Tanami Track, Mark’s latest reflections will surely be shared on our website, and perhaps even back on Watt’s Under the Bonnet!